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My Pacific Arts Fest Journey

Its the Tuesday of the second week here at the 12th Festival of the Pacific Arts and words cannot describe how awesome it is to be brushing shoulders with artists and artisans from all over the region. A gathering like no other as each country takes the stage to share their culture, traditions, legends and beliefs with us. We are the story tellers of our generation capturing what culture and traditions are in this point of time.

The opening ceremony was on the 22nd of May at Paseo stadium. We had a 5am start to witness the arrival of the Festival Canoes. Chants filled the air when the Palau canoe arrived and it was announced that one of the crew members passed away at sea.

A death at sea made the chants eerie and sombre. The voices swelled with emotion and echoed in the air, rising slow and steady in the horizon was the sunrise signifying the beginning to a gathering that will change lives.

Travelling with us was the Waidina Meke Group, from Naitasiri and as were were about to march as a delegation into the festival arena, whispers were spreading that the Fiji flag bearer was the son of the Vunivalu(High Chief) of Naitasiri.

Surrounding us were some of the meke dancers holding war clubs. Their mentor, Mr. Simi Sevudredre told us that they were the actual bati's (warriors) of the Vunivalu.

Shivers ran down my spine as we entered the arena singing Vanua Domoni with the Fiji flag flying high in the front carried by the son of a high chief and escorted in by his warriors.

Nervously behind the young chief and representing her island of Rotuma was Keira-Marie Erasito, holding Fiji's gift for the Government of Guam. You could sense the energy, the mana and it was as if everything was meant to be.

On the Friday of the first week, KuiViti showcased and also launched the 'Adi Vilaiwasa' collection.

To celebrate their virginity and to honor Adi Vilaiwasa, the women of Ra practiced the 'Veiqia' or the art of tattooing. Young girls envied those that received the tattoo and waited impatiently for the time to come when they too would come of age. The collection was inspired by the art of tattooing in Fiji and was well received by many who watched.

Till next time xoxoxox


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